Thursday, 20 March 2014

Maya Kosha Vs Maslows Heirarchy of Needs

Maya Kosha Vs Maslows Heirarchy of Needs

This topic was in my mind for last few months, especially after a visit to Banglore, when my younger sibling was talking about the Pancha Maya Kosha.   My younger brother is well versed in management and spiritualism/philosophy and today he holds a key leadership position in a MNC organization.  

In the discussion we noticed that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – Motivation theory had a linkage to Pancha Maya Kosha of Hinduism, which was written and practiced much before Maslow’s theory  came into place  in 1943 “A theory of Human Motivation”. Whereas the Hinduism had touched this topic much before the theory was shared by Maslow.  

The curiosity in me led to some readings from the materials available online and this was an enlightenment, which I wanted to share through my blog:

I.                    Maya Kosha:

The five sheaths (Pancha-kosas) are alluded to in the fifteenth verse of Shankara's ATMABODHA.:
1.   Annamaya kosha, appearance due foodstuffs-sheath (Anna)

2.   Pranamaya kosha, appearance due energies-sheath (Prana/apana)

3.   Manomaya kosha appearance due mind-stuff-sheath (Manas)

4.   Vijnanamaya kosha, appearance due wisdom-sheath (Vijnana)

5.   Anandamaya kosha, appearance due bliss-sheath (Ananda

You may check the links given below to understand each aspect of the Pancha Kosha.
1.     Maya Kosha: 1.

II.                 Maslows Heirarchy of Needs:

Abraham Maslow came up with this theory in 1943 “A theory of human motivation”

The linking factors exists between Hinduism’s- Pancha Maya Kosha and Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs. 

1.     Physiological Need- Annaymaya kosha
2.     Social Needs – Pranamaya Kosha- Please see the comparison below.

3.     Love/Belonging Needs- Manomaya Kosha

4.      Esteem Need –Vijnayanmaya Kosha

5.     Self actualization need.- Anandamaya Kosha.  

The only difference between Maslow’s hierarchy theory and Maya kosha is - the safety needs mentioned in Maslow’s theory which talks about security of body, employment, resources, morality, family, health and property. The Pranamaya Kosha in Pancha Kosha talks about health, appearance and energy. 

We assume that Maslow’s theory on Social needs is closely related to Pranamaya Kosha of Hinduism, even though Maslow has added few more elements to his theory.  


1.     The Hindu scriptures, philosophies etc do not have a copy right or covered by any copy right acts, hence can be used by anyone without an acknowledgement.

2.     We know that the Indian’s were learned scholars in every field, but we learn and accept faster when something is preached by non-Indian.  

The Objective of this blog is to create awareness that knowledge is available in Indian scriptures, philosophies, culture, spiritualism and Ithihasa's. Only the seeker  will reach the goal- the Ultimate Truth.